Free Chosen FYP Tee Giveaway!
So here’s a chance to win a Chosen FYP Tee …
First, you must already be following me on Instagram (@matik2T).
Second, DM me whatever you feel like your purpose is, and what you plan to do in life.
Third, you must have gotten 10 other people to follow me, and screenshot me the proof.
Once you complete these simple three steps you will be guaranteed a Chosen FYP Tee personally from me and $10…and I might even slip in a little something extra ☺
$100 Money Raffle!!
In order to win this raffle, you simply must purchase a Tee from me, and post a picture on Instagram wearing the Tee, with me (@matik2T) and Chosen Clothing (@chosenfyp) tagged. Then DM me a screenshot of this and you will automatically be entered into the raffle. This raffle will end December 31, 2021. So good luck, and stay Chosen 🙏!
Follow Matik on Instagram: @MATIK2T
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